I have not met this lady of my dreams, but will soon in real time! I never thought I would find anyone I was truly interested in, I mean, enough to actually go through the time, trouble and effort involved, plus the communication difficulties-not to mention all the money involved..but I did. On this site, I contacted or should I say.."hit, winked, sent "flowers" to (love your postcards! great service addition!)-several hundred woman. Of course, not all responded. Some did. So, I started communicating with the ones that responded. Some were eager, some distant, most dead ends. However, one lady really stood out. Here is the best part. I dropped her because she spoke no English, and we were having a terrible time communicating. As you know, the differences between the Russian and English language is a gulf as distant as the moon. So, one of my standards was to try and find a lady with Great English Skills. Because of the communication problem, I wrote the love of my life, off. So, I went "shopping" again on this site. Hit up more Ladies. Started more conversations. After several weeks of this, I thought a lot about the Lady I had dropped. There was "something" there. I re contacted her again, apologized for making a stupid mistake, and this sweetheart of a Lady, opened the door again...very cautiously. So we started "talking" again...Well, let's make a short story long, shall we? After hundreds of emails between us...dozens of postcard...we actually fell in love...8000 miles apart. Then we met on Skype. Well, all I can say is, that I found the love of my life...the most dear Lady I have ever know, on this site, and we will be together someday. It will not be easy of course, but I wanted to thank you for reloading my site info, after I deleted it and walked away after having a very bad experience with a very crazy Lady. Your screening is not perfect, but at least you try! I really wanted to say "Thank YOU!" for this site, and your service. Because of it, I believe that even though I am an old Man, my very best days are ahead of me, with an absolute TREASURE of a Woman!
Thank YOU!
Dan Eden